FAO’s International Year of the Quinoa, 2013 and general information:
Bolivian website of the IYQ:
Bolivian Chamber of Quinoa Exporters and Organic Products CABOLQUI:
Centre of the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries CBI:
Quinoa in Bolivia,
Bioversity International provides a document with insightful information about the biodiversity and the context of Andean grains: Balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods. Published in 2012. The document comprises detailed studies about the market potential of Andean grains, an analysis of livelihoods of quinoa producers in southern Bolivia, insight into small-scale quinoa processing technology and a screenshot of novel products, markets and partnerships in the value chains.
For people with more phantasy:
Bolivian Ministry of Development:
Some news
-Quinoa in the Netherlands:
-Quinoa in India:
-Quinoa in India, Factoria Quinua in CNN:
-To understand how production and export in Bolivia and Peru have developed since 2008:
Presentation of the Bolivian ambassador Roberto Calzadilla about the government’s role in the Bolivian quinoa sector in 2013. Presentation Quinoa, RC
Presentation about “Quinoa as an Opportunity” by the Peruvian Minister of Agriculture Milton van Hesse, 2013.
An insight into quinoa trade’s impact on people, planet and profit in the Bolivian Southern Altiplano, based on value chain analysis and relationship assessment between quinoa producers and exporting companies: “Royal Quinoa reigning the world – from food of the poor to the world’s superfood” Final_Thesis_AG_FTM_1.7 by Annika Gabriel
PhD thesis from Pablo Laguna, examining the rural development of indigenous quinoa farmers in Bolivia from a sociological point of view: “Mallas y Flujos – Collective action, social change, quinoa and indigenuous regional development” Tesis_Final_WUR
“Food Sovereignty and the Quinoa Boom”, a critical dialogue by Tanya Kerssen, 2013.
“Bolivian Quinoa Travels Beyond Borders“, summary of important facts about Bolivian quinoa, IBCE (Bolivian Institute for Foreign Commerce), 2013
Extensive book about “Collective property and organic, capitalist production: the case of quinoa in the Bolivian Southern Altiplano” by Enrique Ormachea and Nilton Ramirez for CEDLA, 2013. In Spanish!
Quinoa in the Netherlands:“Exploration of the Feasibility of a Dutch Quinoa Chain”, by Rens Kuijten.