First Dutch Organic Quinoa Harvested

On Friday 5 September Dutch farmers Govert van Dis and Phily Brooijmans harvested their first quinoa crop. The quinoa was sown in April and has been grown organically. At first sight the results have been encouraging, although the farmers, who jointly run their farm, have experienced certain agronomic issues. For one, the crop does not … Read more

Challapata Market Update, 15.7.2014

For the first time since beginning of June there has been some movement in the prices of white and red quinoa. The Challapata market closed on 13 July at 1,500 Bolivianos per quintal for both white and red quinoa. This equals to US$4.82 per kg. With this price the white and red quinoa are at … Read more

Challapata market update, 7.7.2014

In the past four weeks, prices of quinoa stabilized for all three quinoa varieties. On 6 July, the price for white quinoa was fixed at 1,750 Bolivianos per quintal at the Challapata market. This equates to US$5.62 per kg. Red quinoa is traded for US$5.14 (1,600 Bolivianos per quintal). Compared to the average prices of … Read more

Challapata Market Update, 21.6.2014

On June 21, all quinoa varieties cost the same as the week before. In Challapata, white quinoa is traded for 1,750 Bolivianos per quintal which translates into $5.62 per kg. Red quinoa is traded for $5.14 (1,600 Bolivianos per quintal) and black quinoa costs $3.21 (1,000 Bolivianos per quintal). Since June 7 the prices have … Read more

Challapata Market Update, 7.6.2014

On 7 June, white quinoa traded in Challapata reached a price of $5.62. The price of red quinoa has increased to $5.14 and black quinoa has dropped to $3.21. Since 24 May, when quinoa cost $5.14, prices have been increasing weekly to $5.30 on 31 May and to $5.62 last weekend on 7 June. The … Read more

Oldest Person from the Altiplano

Another argument for the healthiness of quinoa: But maybe also for coca…

Challapata Market Update, 31.5.2014

Price development: After the unexpected drop in the quinoa price last week (24.5.2014), the price has “recovered” again. Farmers were paid 1,650 Bolivianos for their quintals which translates into $5.30/kg. That is not the peak price of $5,80, which was reached on the 17th of May. The price for red quinoa stays stable at $4,82 … Read more